9 Productivity Hacks While Working From Home

After reading this article, you’ll be left with 9 productivity hacks while working from home. You can use these productivity hacks to get more things done while beating the negatives of working from home.

Work From Home

The trend and ease of remote work in businesses, and the advent of the Covid-19 have led the world to a new system of working. A vast community of people has made their livelihoods from freelancing and remote work. It is the reason why many multinationals are also opening up to new remote talents. They have recognized the convenience of such work for the individual and the freelancer. Freelance gigs and remote work is now much more prevalent than in the past decade. With the covid-19 pandemic, companies have recognized that it is more beneficial for them. The expenses for maintenance of offices, employees, and geographical limitations are no longer an issue. It has helped them scale their businesses to a much larger global scale through the internet.

In the past decade, one could have barely thought that they can work with a person in the USA while being in India. But now, it is pretty standard. You’ll see people getting work from home jobs and freelancing gigs. It has helped them gain financial freedom away from the geographical limits.

But just like a coin, it has another side to it. People often feel stuck or overworked when working from home. Let us see why this has emerged as an issue.

Need for productivity hacks while working from home

What Is The Need For Productivity Hacks While Working From Home?

It seems to be convenient and easy to start your work right from your bed. However, there are inherent issues with it. Let us see some of them:

  • There is no demarcation between the personal and the professional. When people work, eat and sleep in the same place, it can be tiring. It can make them feel stuck in a cycle.
  • Social life often takes a hit while working from home. It may feel like they have lost a big part of their social lives.
  • There isn’t any specific routine. In the absence of a routine, one can quickly feel lethargic or demotivated.
  • Employees often feel that they work more than the regular office hours—their workload stretches, which can lead to stress.
  • Some people feel that their home cannot provide them the right environment to work. It affects their productivity and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Other technical issues such as internet issues or hardware can be prevalent.

These were some of the general issues that workers feel. It can make the convenience of working from their home often feel like a burden. Also, it constantly affects their mental health and productivity. Here are 9 productivity hacks while working from home that can help enhance your performance:

Productivity Hack 1 – Distinguish Personal And Professional Space

You need to make clear boundaries between the work-life and your professional one. You should devote a room or a bench, or even a simple corner for that. The essence is that you must devote a place where you can feel the work environment and one where you can relax.

  • Your home shouldn’t feel like an office place and vice versa. If you can, devote an entire room as your workspace. That area would be the home office where you will spend the office hours.
  • Do not wake up at work time and start it right at your bed. It isn’t an ideal place for the right motivation. Your bed shouldn’t be the space for working.
  • If you cannot designate a room, make a cozy corner. Use a table and keep your devices there. It should ideally be away from the bedroom.
  • Make a workspace that motivates you to get back to work.

Productivity hacks while working from home

Productivity Hack 2 – Decorate Your Workspace

Work from home jobs requires motivation and the correct mindset. You should have a space that can motivate you to work harder. Working on an old desk piled up with all the files and folders would do the opposite.

  • Remember that you kept things such as photographs on your office desk. It should serve the same purpose here. Choose a table and a corner to decorate.
  • You can keep small stationery items or decorate them using souvenirs.
  • It is your choice to renovate it and make yourself feel a home. Another top option is to put up posters or quotes that motivate you.
  • Choose a comfortable seat, so you don’t feel uncomfortable only after a few hours.
  • After choosing the space, you should decorate it for making it your own. Take this step to start working right now.

Among other productivity hacks, while working from home, this one involves spending some money. So, this one is only for those who can afford to spend some extra bucks. Alternatively, you can use the items available at your home to decorate your workspace.

Productivity Hack 3 – Time Is Money (And Mental Health Too)

You must keep your eye on the working hours you spend. You cannot keep working for more than the designated hours each day. While it is okay for a few days, but not more than that. Your mental health is essential to protect, and you should only work the amount you can. It will enable you to take off that extra burden. There isn’t any need to be perfect every day. Doing the bare minimum should be sufficient for some days.

  • Keep a close track of your work hours. You can use an alarm clock or a reminder for this too.
  • Remember that it will affect your work’s quality if you keep on working for long hours.

Productivity Hack 4 – You Need To Develop A Routine.

There is no benefit in getting up late in the afternoon and going straight to work. Many people practice this and, while in this process, skip their meals. It is something one must avoid at all costs. Have a routine and follow it every day.

  • Wake up at least an hour before in the morning when your shift starts. It will allow some time actually to freshen and prepare yourself for work.
  • Make yourself a healthy breakfast every day before starting work. Apart from that, you shouldn’t miss any meal. If you do, ensure that you will get back to it asap.
  • Turn off the screen once when the work ends and do something you like. Don’t keep lingering on to do some of the succeeding day’s work.

Develop a routine to follow every day. Your body would also then have the energy to get to the work. It is also why you get up some days with no will to start the work. It is usually due to less energy and no uniformity in life.

Productivity Hack 5 – You Should Get Away (Just For A While)

Breaks are an efficient method to rejuvenate yourself and get a fresh perspective. People in the creative field would know the importance of stepping away for a bit. It will enable you to get back with more energy.

Take a break frequently and move around. Some physical moments can help with blood flow. Also, sitting in the whole day isn’t a good habit. Have coffee or snack breaks in between the shift. You can also just watch a short episode of your favorite series.

Productivity Hack 6 – Go Out Of The House At Least Once

To avoid feeling stuck, walk out of the house or the office space. You still need to follow all the precautions and the rules. Walking around the corner of the nearest park is an excellent choice to getaway. You can add this to your day after working or right after you wake up in the morning. It will be better to breathe in some fresh air than being holed up inside. You may also go up to the terrace and relax.

Among other productivity hacks while working from home, this might sound contradictory but can boost your productivity 3x when done right.

Productivity Hack 7 – Mark An Activity To Start The Workday And To End It.

It may sound like just a simple task, but trust us, it does wonder. Do a small task to begin your work and one while ending it. It might be just as simple as a cup of coffee when starting the morning or fresh fruit in the evening. It will signify that you have completed the work for today, and you may relax now. Mental health is a crucial asset. You have to preserve it at all costs. Find an activity you like and do it.

For some people, it can be playing a song or having a little dance party. There are just hundreds of things you can do. Make up your ritual for the work-from-home jobs.

Productivity Hack 8 – Only Take Up The Tasks You Can Handle

It may seem like there is much more time in the world now that you are not traveling and getting out of the house. But it shouldn’t be a reason to increase the pressure on yourself. Working from home is called a convenient option for a reason. A sense of freedom is a major benefit and also decreases the workload. You could’ve just gone to an office with someone looking over your shoulder the whole time.

You must take up the tasks you can handle. It should fit in your daily work hours rather than stretching beyond the day. This is one of the productivity hacks while working from home that can be modified as per your work/hustle appetite.

Productivity Hack 9 – Communicate And Socialize Virtually

You shouldn’t feel that you don’t have a social life now. Call up your friends and have a fun video session. Also, you must update your employees and talk to them too constantly. It will improve teamwork and also produce better results.

You can host games and sessions online with your entire team. It is an efficient way to take off the stress and have a healthy environment.

Bonus Tip – Have Backups

You should keep backups for your internet connection and an electronic device. It will help continue the work in case of any problem and not harm your productivity. You wouldn’t have to miss the important stuff just because of a broken internet connection. Ensure that you have these things in case there is a problem. It will allow you to take up the work from home jobs efficiently and meet the deadlines.

You can foster these productivity hacks while working from home schedule to escape from the monotony and have a fulfilling work from home life. If you are a skilled professional who is saving some time by following these productivity hacks, and you want to pick up a gig in your free time, make sure you register with Workflexi and extra money in your free time.