Millennial are soon going to take over the workplaces as studies peg their strength at almost three-fourth of the workforce in the near future. In such a scenario, engaging and retaining them will become even more of a challenge to…
Much of the candidate profiling and recruitment is happening online these days. Which is why, it's important to ensure that you have the right profile to attract recruiters towards you. According to one survey, 70% of the employers polled in…
You get better pay but you also work more. Or you are paid less but still made to work more. In either scenarios, the only way to strike the right work-life balance is to work smart. Not only will you…
Unemployment can make anybody insecure and lose confidence. The job market is tough today because there is more demand than supply. It's become more competitive than a decade ago. So how can you stand out from the crowd and make…
Many times, if there is always some fire-fighting or feud inside an office, it's because of a chaotic or confused leadership. When you send out confused signals to your employees, it saps their creativity. And when you try to micro-manage…
Hiring is easy but firing proves costly. Not only will it lower employee morale but also affect your company's productivity levels. All your time to pick your candidate goes to nought when you realise what a bad hire that was.…
A contract job suffers from just one thing. The inability to provide job security. But then, it's not something the truly exceptional need to worry about. If they are good at what they do, they can work for six months…
No longer do companies want full-time employees to sit on the 'bench' and await new work. They would rather hire people on contract, based on the work they already have on hand. Welcome to the new age of staffing. Call…
There are many times in your life when you wish you had a different career. Or a seven-hour work week. So you could pamper yourself with the free time. Only freelancers working from home have that luxury. A full-timer like…
Passion is the supreme source of success. In the presence of passion, one can nearly achieve anything. According to the Holy Bible, Jesus says 'God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth'. So the…