future jobs

8 future-proof contract jobs

We live in uncertain times. The speed with which information spreads is unimaginable. What takes off today arrives yesterday. What you see as trending today is stale tomorrow. And yet, there are certain jobs that have stood the test of time and will continue to do well in the future.
Product designers
The world wasn't built in a day. It has never been built fully yet, and never will be. Things keep getting broken down to make way for something new. And here is where product designers play a huge role in shaping the future. We are talking about product designers who will make life easy for us, be it automobiles, smartphones, consumer goods and just about any material that you can buy for a fee. They can never be replaced by machines, because they lack one thing that humans have in abundance: creativity.
Sales & marketing
This is one field that knows no recession. However, just the gift of the gab won't do. You need to know all about online sales, the newer business models, digital marketing, and mobile advertising, among others.
Data analytics
The fourth industrial revolution is all about tech and more tech. Automation will be the key driver that will throw many clerical and manual workers out of their jobs. But there is one field that will be rich with possibilities for job seekers. With so many algorithms doing the job of crunching data, there is the need for qualified personnel who can sift through the information minefield and make sense of it. According to a 2016 report by the World Economic Forum, 5 million jobs will be lost to automation, but there is the positive side to it too. There will be 2 million jobs that will be created because of automation like artificial intelligence and robotics. And here is where data analysts will hog the limelight.
This is yet another field that has an evergreen demand. Even the most talented people need good managers. Without them, no organisation can prosper. And this will be particularly true when organisations undergo transitions during mergers and acquisitions or adopt a major change in strategy. Some of the fields that will see the most disruption include the information, entertainment and media industries.
Reskilling specialists and HR personnel
What happens to the existing workforce in times of change? Here is where organisations will need reskilling specialists who will retrain existing employees to remain employable. Since they already know the organisation well and are a good culture fit, upgrading their skills will not only be economical for the company but also a big boon for the aging workforce.
Legal experts
So long as there are laws, there are lawyers. This is one field, just like healthcare, that knows no recession. Different countries have different rules and regulations. It will become even more important for multinationals to hire legal eagles who can help them set up, scale and establish their operations worldwide. With technology dominating the landscape, there are cries over privacy that threaten to shut down companies. In such a scenario, it's important to have lawyers who can navigate the company through this ever-shifting legal maze created by technology.
Architects and engineers
Yes, this tribe will continue to thrive. If we are talking about building smart cities, these are the people who will design and execute those projects. Without them, nothing can move. However, more emphasis will be in the following areas: robotics, nanotechnology and biochemicals.
IT and mathematicians
Without doubt, IT rocks and will continue to rock for the next decade at least. It's the age of IT and therefore, the role of programmers, information security architects and software developers will only rise as time goes on. These are red-hot professions, but there are many areas of specialties you can choose from. We would urge you to pick what works for your talent, temperament and need. We can only say that anything you do in the field of artificial intelligence, energy and biotech will earn you major dividends. One last thing. Good luck!