contract job

Unemployment can make anybody insecure and lose confidence. The job market is tough today because there is more demand than supply. It’s become more competitive than a decade ago. So how can you stand out from the crowd and make your presence felt to the employer? Here is where the situation demands you to be proactive and inventive. No point in sitting down and accepting the rejection. If you are a job seeker, consider yourself a challenger.Contract job

Contract job


Imagine yourself in the employer’s chair. Why would he hire you? Take your time to come back with an answer. Once you are sure you can confidently answer that question and show the employer that hiring you is the best return on investment he can hope to achieve, you have a winner on your hands.


Staying home and being the quintessential couch potato will only drive you nuts. Instead, chat up with long-time colleagues, partners, friends and associates. Go to some networking events and social get-together. You never know who might take interest in your skills or give you a solid reference or recommendation. Being out and about also makes you lose your inhibitions and become more confident. Networking events catalyze that as you meet new people and exchange positive vibes.


Companies pay more importance to referrals, and so do their employees. Who wants to hire a complete stranger when they can get a friend they already know. Fewer ego issues and far better productivity. Instead of looking for a job on LinkedIn, you should search for the job you want in the ‘people’ search category. Since we add so many strangers to our network, we don’t realize that there are potential employers and employees you could work with. With this nifty tip, you will not only know the vacancies in a particular company but also a way to get recommended by one of their own employees. This will help you to filter companies that have a vacancy but not worthy enough. If your contacts had worked in that company and tell you to avoid it, you can move on to the next company instead of getting hired and regretting the decision.


Sometimes, due diligence works wonders. But for that, you also need a generous dash of confidence. Nothing can beat good old fashioned research. Find out the top 20 or top 50 companies you want to work with. Get to know their key department heads. Find out about their requirements. Fill up their application forms and send a personal cover letter to each of them with a hard copy of your resume. Make an appointment with those who acknowledged receiving your application, dress in your best and make an impression. When a candidate is so thorough, well prepared and personable, the chances of getting hired increase substantially.


Any kind of information about you on social media could be bad for you. Your political, sexual or religious leanings are best left unsaid. You never know what could trigger negativity among your potential employers. Therefore, avoid putting out any such views online. The better bet would be to not have a social media identity under your real name. It’s best to avoid the client from researching on you and finding a ton of information that could go against you. Like your feminism stance, your anti-government remarks or your penchant for travelling at the drop of a hat.


Stay active. Remain positive. Don’t just sit at home. Mine the internet. Interact with friends and strangers. Never give up. You will be hired only if you try.