passion is god
Passion is the supreme source of success. In the presence of passion, one can nearly achieve anything. According to the Holy Bible, Jesus says ‘God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth’. So the word ‘worship’ loses its true meaning when there is no spirit and truth. However, there is no existence of truthfulness in people’s heart, during their regular 9-5 job. But it is quite a known fact that this is not the case during days in pursuit of passion.
Steve Jobs, Chris Gardner, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett are some of the greatest Entrepreneurs who have believed and proved ‘follow your passion, and success follows’.
No one said it was easy. In finding your passion and pursuing it, there will be many hours, days, weeks, or months, even years that pass before milestones are reached.

Here goes a look at passionate lives:

  1. Simplified life : With all the chaos and information overload in today’s world, there’s something very freeing about rediscovering our passions (or discovering new ones!). Also, this brings some simplicity back into our lives.
  2. Greater self-awareness and self-confidence : Self-awareness is listening to what our soul is telling us, and leading to self-confidence comes in by recognizing our strengths and interests.
  3. Expansion of comfort zones : We begin to push the boundaries of our comfort zones as our self-confidence increases.
  4. Satisfaction : Satisfaction increases with the learning, growth and fulfillment of self that occurs with meaningful progress.
  5. Happiness : When you engage in meaningful progress, you are taking action in the pursuit of future happiness.
  6. Meaningful progress increases your creativity : It’s that simple—more creative juices flow when you are doing what you love.
  7. Being part of something bigger than ourselves : As humans we want to leave the legacy of having made an improvement and impact on our surrounding. This is accomplished through our passions and abilities with which we’ve been equipped.
  8. Life in Harmony :  When we incorporate our passions into our lives, we get to experience the harmony in life.
  9. Inspiration to others : Being true to yourself in pursuing a meaningful path automatically positions you as an inspiration to the world.
Finding your passion and working towards it isn’t easy, yet with all the challenges involved, the benefits of following your passion outweigh the difficulties and sacrifices. It’s time we start a movement!
Workflexi was born for passionate people to make it much easier to pursue their passion, and not to mention, earn at the same time.